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Geotechnical Laboratory Testing

Gradation & Index Properties of Soil
This test is a fundamental laboratory test in geotechnical engineering to identify the subsurface strata type and its classification by performing Sieve Analysis, Hydrometer Analysis, and Atterberg’s Limit Test.
Strength Test (Triaxial & Direct Shear Test)
Strength Test is performed to determine the shear strength of soil for cohesionless & cohesive strata, respectively. Depending upon the strata, loading and saturation conditions, the respective tests are performed. This parameter is very pivotal to be used in most of the geotechnical applications.
Consolidation Test
Consolidation Test helps determine the consolidation properties of the cohesive soil to estimate the extent of long-term settlement and time taken for the complete settlement of the strata.
Swelling & Collapse Potential
Collapse Potential is a phenomenon with fine cohesionless strata, which experiences sudden deformation under loading in submerged/underwater conditions. This test is performed with the help of a consolidation setup to verify its potential under the respective loading.
Swelling is a reverse phenomenon where fine-grained soil experiences sudden volume expansion in underwater conditions and produces non-uniform settlements.
CEGTH offers in-house expertise and facilities to verify this behavior and provide recommendations accordingly.
Crushing Strength (UCS & PLI)
Determination of deformability behavior under uniaxial compression by UCS & PLI strength test for classification and characterization of intact rock for geotechnical design input.
Modulus of Elasticity & Poisson Ratio
Determination of deformability characteristics under uniaxial compression & lateral deformation, such as Modulus of Elasticity and Poisson’s Ratio of intact rock for geotechnical design input.
Cerchar Abrasion Test
This test measures the abrasivity of the specimen and is mainly intended for the classification and characterization of intact rock. It is commonly used to understand economic rock crushing methodology or related machinery selection based on its abrasivity. It is also used for tunneling for TBM bits selection & its wear prediction.
Brazilian Tensile Strength Test
Brazilian Tensile Strength Test is a geotechnical laboratory test for indirect measurement of the tensile strength of rocks.
Proctor Density Test
This laboratory test helps determine the maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of a given soil.
California Bearing Ratio Test
California Bearing Ratio Test is a penetration test that helps in evaluating the subgrade strength of roads and pavements. Its results are used with the curves to determine the thickness of the pavement and its component layers. It is the most widely accepted method for the design of flexible pavement.