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Heavy Metals Testing
Some metals are considered to be toxic when they form poisonous soluble compounds and have adverse health effects on human metabolism. Arsenic, Cadmium, Manganese, Lead, Mercury, and Radioactive Metals are commonly associated with poisoning.
Consumption of fish and seafood, fruits and vegetables, nuts and oilseeds, and cereals can lead to a significant intake of heavy metals in humans. Thus, heavy metal testing has gained vital importance under food safety. Regulatory bodies have set maximum limits for heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, mercury, and others in different food groups, including fish, seafood, meat, fruits, vegetables, cereals, and their products, fats and oils, baby food, infant formula, and milk.
We, at CEGTH, use the latest analytical methods for heavy metals testing. Our proficient experts use their tremendous experience in analyzing heavy metals and elements. The testing of metals is accomplished by using equipment such as ICP-MS and AAS. Microwave digestion techniques are adopted for sample preparation to ensure proper digestion and minimize recovery loss.