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Fruits, Vegetables and By-products
With changing times, consumers have become more aware of the safety, quality & nutritional values of raw fruits & vegetables. The four critical attributes for quality evaluation of fruits & vegetables by consumers are
- Colour and Appearance
- Flavour (taste and aroma)
- Texture
- Nutritional Value
Excessive use of pesticides for increased yield is another serious concern that calls for quality assurance and strict adherence to maximum residue levels.
CEGTH has the expertise to address all these safety & quality issues under its testing facilities for Fruits and Vegetables. Our accredited food testing laboratory performs all tests following the guidelines prescribed by FSSR concerning the maximum pesticide residue limits. Our skilled workforce offers multiple analyses for fruits and vegetables as per the FSSAI/FSSR-2011 regulations, relevant BIS standards, and customer requirements to ensure the quality of your produce.
Our testing capabilities for fruits, vegetables, and their by-products include analyses of:
- Food Additives, including preservatives
- Artificial Sweeteners
- Natural and Synthetic Colors
- Contaminants (organic/inorganic) and Residues (pesticides, mycotoxins)
- Nutrient Profiling or Labeling
- Microbiological Analysis